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  • Court rejects appeal by man who killed wife with shotgun

    Court rejects appeal by man who killed wife with shotgun

    Criminal Law 04/30/2021

    The state supreme court has upheld the murder conviction and 40-year sentence for man who killed his wife with a shotgun blast in their Windham home.The Supreme Judicial Court on Thursday unanimously rejected Noah Gaston’s contention that COVID...

  • Supreme Court rejects lingering 2020 election challenge case

    Supreme Court rejects lingering 2020 election challenge case

    Criminal Law 04/16/2021

    The Supreme Court on Monday said it will not hear a case out of Pennsylvania related to the 2020 election, a dispute that had lingered while similar election challenges had already been rejected by the justices. The high court directed a lower court ...

  • Husband of high court candidate begins prison sentence

    Husband of high court candidate begins prison sentence

    Criminal Law 04/06/2021

    The husband of a Pennsylvania appellate court judge who is running for the state’s highest court began serving a prison sentence Tuesday in a long-running case, authorities said.Charles McCullough’s incarceration comes as voters decide wh...

  • Courts wrestle with whether manslaughter is always violent

    Courts wrestle with whether manslaughter is always violent

    Criminal Law 03/06/2021

    Once annually, sometimes less, the full federal appeals court in New York meets to confront a perplexing legal question. Most recently, it was to decide whether shooting somebody point-blank in the face and stabbing somebody to death are violent acts...

  • Outside team to assist Albuquerque police internal affairs

    Outside team to assist Albuquerque police internal affairs

    Criminal Law 02/16/2021

    The city of Albuquerque and the U.S. Department of Justice have proposed a plan to temporarily assist Albuquerque Police Department internal affairs investigators.An outside team is expected to correct issues as they arise and train detectives on how...

  • Thai court gives record 43-year sentence for insulting king

    Thai court gives record 43-year sentence for insulting king

    Criminal Law 01/21/2021

    A court in Thailand on Tuesday sentenced a former civil servant to a record prison term of 43 years and six months for breaching the country’s strict law on insulting or defaming the monarchy, lawyers said.The Bangkok Criminal Court found the w...

  • Justices rule Muslim men can sue FBI agents over no-fly list

    Justices rule Muslim men can sue FBI agents over no-fly list

    Criminal Law 12/11/2020

    A unanimous Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that Muslim men who were placed on the government’s no-fly list because they refused to serve as FBI informants can seek to hold federal agents financially liable.The justices continued a string of de...

  • US government executes man convicted of killing Texas teen

    US government executes man convicted of killing Texas teen

    Criminal Law 11/20/2020

    Orlando Hall got stiffed on a drug deal and went to a Texas apartment looking for the two brothers who took his money. They weren’t home, but their 16-year-old sister was.Late Thursday, Hall was put to death for abducting and killing the teenag...

  • Supreme Court changes fuel moves to protect abortion access

    Supreme Court changes fuel moves to protect abortion access

    Criminal Law 11/01/2020

    A vast swath of West Texas has been without an abortion clinic for more than six years. Planned Parenthood plans to change that with a health center it opened recently in Lubbock.  It’s a vivid example of how abortion-rights groups are str...

  • Court blocks extension of Wisconsin absentee ballot deadline

    Court blocks extension of Wisconsin absentee ballot deadline

    Criminal Law 10/08/2020

    A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked a decision to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots by six days in battleground Wisconsin, in a win for Republicans who have fought attempts to expand voting across the country. If the ruling st...

  • Trump releases list of 20 new possible Supreme Court picks

    Trump releases list of 20 new possible Supreme Court picks

    Criminal Law 09/10/2020

    Hoping to replicate a strategy long seen as key to his appeal among conservative voters, President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced he is adding 20 names to a list of Supreme Court candidates he's pledged to choose from if he has future vacancies ...

  • 1st Black woman confirmed to be justice on NJ high court

    1st Black woman confirmed to be justice on NJ high court

    Criminal Law 08/27/2020

    The nomination of the first Black woman to sit on New Jersey’s Supreme Court was confirmed Thursday by the state Senate.Fabiana Pierre-Louis, a 39-year-old attorney in private practice and a former federal prosecutor, was nominated by Democrati...