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Court: No unemployment for teacher who quit early
Employment Law 09/09/2014 -
Court: Lawyers will be disbarred over child porn
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Seattle lawyer left $188 million charitable trust
Attorneys in the News 08/24/2014
Pettler & Miller LLP - Experienced Estate Planning Attorneys
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Ind. court to hear appeal in IBM welfare lawsuit
Corporate Governance 08/23/2014 -
Stanford Law Review
Law Reviews 08/23/2014
Dui laws and information for the state of Maryland
DUI Law 08/23/2014 -
Dui laws and information for the state of Maryland
DUI Law 08/23/2014 -
Maine is very strict on DUI laws
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Kentucky DUI laws and Information
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Iowa DUI laws and information for offenders
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UCLA Law Reviews
Law Reviews 08/23/2014